Property:Web date
From The WMD Library
This is a property of type Date.
"Terrorism is just one tactic being used by Islamic extremists in their effort to force their way of life on the rest of the world" - July 8, 2008 by Robert Spencer +
July 8, 2008 +
May 19, 2007 +
All territory taken from infidels became the property (fay) of the state - Islam and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or +
December 2001 +
December 18, 2015 +
August 10, 2014 +
February 7, 2025 +
January 13, 2015 +
May 20, 2008 +
October 27, 2008 +
Churchill's response to King Ibn Saud's demand that he not drink or smoke - Churchill by Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations by Richard Langworth +
October 27, 2008 +
October 18, 2007 +
December 12, 2011 +
Damma - Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic 4th Edition by Hans Wehr +
May 1, 1993 +
October 17, 2006 +
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