Bat Ye'or
From The WMD Library
WMD Biography
The woman who first explained the entire concept of Dhimmitude outside of Arabic. Born in Egypt, she left when life for Jews there became increasingly difficult after the establishment of the State of Israel.
Articles Cited
The following articles by Bat Ye'or are cited within The WMD Library:
Book Quotations
The following quotations from books by Bat Ye'or are cited within The WMD Library:
Books Cited
The following Books by Bat Ye'or are cited within The WMD Library:
Books | Published | |
Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide by Bat Ye'or | Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide | December 2001 |
The Dhimmi by Bat Ye'or | The Dhimmi | April 1985 |
Pages that Mention Bat Ye'or
A complete list of all pages that link to Bat Ye'or are shown below:
- All territory taken from infidels became the property (fay) of the state - Islam and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or
- Aspects of the Arab-Israeli Conflict - 1979 by Bat Ye'or
- Dhimmi Taxation and it's Usage - The Dhimmi by Bat Ye'or
- Dhimmitude Past and Present: An Invented or Real History? - October 10, 2002 by Bat Ye'or
- Dhimmitude and Marcionism - 2002 by Bat Ye'or
- Dhimmitude and Marcionism - about sharia - 2002 by Bat Ye'or
- Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis by Bat Ye'or
- Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate by Bat Ye'or
- FrontPageMag
- Historical Amnesia: Naming Jihad and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or
- Historical Amnesia: Naming Jihad and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or - The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Bat Ye'or
- Historical Amnesia: Naming Jihad and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or - The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert Spencer
- Historical Outline - Chapter 1 - The Dhimmi by Bat Ye'or
- How much does it cost to buy global TV news? APTN case study - May, 2010 by Annonymous
- Hudaybiya
- Islam: What the West Needs to Know by Gregory M. Davis
- Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide by Bat Ye'or
- Jihad and Dhimmitude: Victimless Islamic Institutions? - December 3, 2002 by Bat Ye'or, Andrew G. Bostom
- Jihad and Human Rights Today - July 1, 2002 by Bat Ye'or
- National Review Online
- The Decline of Eastern Christian Communities in the Modern Middle East - November 11, 1996 by Bat Ye'or
- The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam From Jihad to Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or
- The Dhimmi by Bat Ye'or
- The Genesis of a Myth by Ibn Warraq - The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert Spencer
- The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert Spencer
- The Palestinianization of Europe - April 26, 2007 by Jamie Glazov
- The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule - January 1, 2001 by Bat Ye'or
- The second International Conference in Support of the Arab Peoples in Cairo January 1969 - resolutions - Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide by Bat Ye'or
- What is Dhimmitude