Winston Churchill versus The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC)

The Law says:
Winston Churchill called Islam “the religion of blood and war.”
The most representative body of Islam in its 1400 year history, the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), says “Islam, the religion of peace, tolerance and compassion.”
Who would you believe?
The religion of blood and war - The Story of the Malakand Field Force by Winston Churchill
This book can be downloaded in its entirety as an e-book from

The Law says:
Winston Churchill wrote of Islam “the religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace. Luckily the religion of peace is usually the better armed."
Unfortunately, in this age of proliferating nuclear weapons, who can say if the religion of peace will remain better armed?
- Quoted in Churchill by Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations by Richard Langworth Editor (vice-chairman and editor of the Churchill Centre) pp. 463-4.
- This book is fully authorized by the Estate of Winston S Churchill with a Foreword by Mary Soames and Introduction by Martin Gilbert.
Islam, the religion of peace, tolerance and compassion - December 2, 2008 by Organisation of The Islamic Conference - OIC Website

The Law says:
The OIC (Organization of The Islamic Conference) which is exercising an ever increasing influence on the United Nations, says "Islam, the religion of peace, tolerance and compassion".
The OIC is pressuring members at the UN to put a ban on mentioning Islam whenever Muslims commit terrorist acts in the name of Islam - this under the pretext of eradicating the "defamation of religions."
Islam, the religion of peace, tolerance and compassion, that sanctifies the human soul, and whose universal message is one of mutual peaceful coexistence among all the peoples of the world, regardless of their ethnicities, race, religions or languages, and which calls for kind reasoning and dialogue with all their fellow human beings, abhors and despises all such criminal acts and had enacted the utmost severe punishment for their perpetrators.
It is frustrating to see some circles, still, maliciously trying to establish conceptual link between such evil and wicked practices and Islam, the religion that condemns, scorns and outlaws them.
It is on the premise of this irrefutable fact that we, in the OIC, call upon all well-intentioned peoples of the world, not to give to these criminals any right to present Islam, a right that Islam itself denies them. Those who refer to the perpetrators, as acting on behalf of Islam, help them by offering them justification, anchor and premise that they don’t have or deserve. On the other hand, the generalization of the guilt of a few aberrant misguided individuals, to engulf the adherents of a religion of 1.5 billion followers is an outrageous judgment and amounts to an illegal collective punishment on a global scale. Moreover, any attempt to implicate all Muslims in such a wicked and wanton acts goes contrary to the well established principles of international law.
It is therefore hoped that media will avoid resorting to any reference to Islam when narrating such events in order not to disseminate erroneous information that might jeopardize the basic human rights of Muslims, the world over.
The OIC removed this page from their website and scrubbed the web. A review of it remains on line.