Equality among believers (adult men only, that is) - Holy War, Just War: Islam and Christendom at War by Roberto De Mattei

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Equality among believers (adult men only, that is) - Holy War, Just War: Islam and Christendom at War by Roberto De Mattei

Publisher:Chronicles Press/The Rockford Institute, August 1, 2007
ISBN:0972061657 Buy on Amazon

Extract:page 43:

“…Islam can be described as a community dominated by the idea of perfect equality among believers (adult men only, that is).”

page 14:

"Today in the name of "dialogue" Western political leaders are trying to downplay the meaning attributed to jihad by orthodox Islam. They are making a tragic mistake. The best way to approach Islam is to respect it. And to respect it means to accept it for what it is, without "reinterpreting" it and trying to make it what it is not."