Sanctioning Human Wrongs - September 7, 2007 by Anne Bayefsky
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Sanctioning Human Wrongs - September 7, 2007 by Anne Bayefsky - National Review Online
Extract:UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour traveled to Iran last week to listen attentively to Holocaust-denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a human-rights meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement, currently chaired by Cuba. While Arbour was hobnobbing with anti-Semites, butchers, and anti-democratic forces from around the world, Iranians were being prepared for public hangings. The Iranians were delighted at Arbour's visit. They clearly understood her presence as support for their view that human rights are all relative. (National Review)
There has been no public statement from her office; no indication that her participation in the NAM meeting was anything but on the level of generalities. The Resistance Council warned,
- The political prisoners and their families fear that if their plight is not addressed by the U.N. human rights chief on her visit to Tehran, the criminal mullahs will take it as a green light to continue with their barbarism and executions…[They will] take advantage of Arbour’s trip…to increase torture and executions in Iran.
The mass executions that immediately followed her departure have made it clear: Their worst fears have been realized.
The disservice committed by High Commissioner Arbour’s trip to Tehran is enormous. To the families of the dead, and the tortured, and the dead to come, Arbour has done incredible harm. To the real human-rights advocates struggling to refuse credibility to the frauds, she has inflicted injury. And to the principles, which have been torn up in the presence of the very individual charged with their care, she has been gravely offensive.Human Rights, UN